Gravity and Grace Adult Study
We’ll start a new book study discussion using Joseph Sittler’s “Gravity & Grace, Reflections & Provocations.” We will meet in the Fellowship Hall at Concordia Church on Seeley (3855 N. Seeley Ave.) at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings as of January 20th. Sittler addresses topics such as the relationship between nature & God’s grace, faith [...]
Celebrating our 121st Anniversary and our Volunteers
Concordia Church on Seeley 3855 N. Seeley Ave., Chicago, IL, United StatesOn January 27th, 2019 we will celebrate Concordia Lutheran Church's (3855 N. Seeley Ave.) 121st anniversary. (The foundation of our congregation was formed on January 29th, 1898). We’ll have a pot-luck luncheon following worship on Sunday, January 27th. We will celebrate the ministries of our congregation and thank the many people whose efforts in our ministries make our congregation’s [...]
Coffee & Open Play
Concordia Church on Whipple 3300 N. Whipple St., Chicago, IL, United StatesValentine Party
Concordia Church on Whipple 3300 N. Whipple St., Chicago, IL, United StatesCoffee & Open Play
Concordia Church on Seeley 3855 N. Seeley Ave., Chicago, IL, United StatesImposition of Ashes
This season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday (March 6th of this year), a day when we remember how our baptism into God's family calls us to live God's amazing story. Those who wish to begin their Lenten commitment before work on Ash Wednesday are invited to come to Concordia Church on Whipple in the Whipple [...]
Ash Wednesday Service
Concordia Church on Seeley 3855 N. Seeley Ave., Chicago, IL, United StatesAsh Wednesday begins our 40-day journey of faith with a remembrance of our Baptism, our relationship to God through Christ. The evening activities will include children’s crafts, a Mardi Gras celebration of food and festivities, preparations for the Lenten season with the burning of the palms and a service calling us to take up our time [...]
Lenten Bible Study
Concordia Church on Seeley 3855 N. Seeley Ave., Chicago, IL, United StatesThe 40 days of Lent is an invitation for a closer walk in our faith; a time to set aside for study, reflection and prayer. Opportunities for an adult study of the parables of Jesus on Sunday morning and 3 Wednesday evenings in Lent are available. A sign-up sheet is posted in the narthex, or E-Mail [...]
Lenten Study & Supper
Concordia Church on Seeley 3855 N. Seeley Ave., Chicago, IL, United StatesThe 40 days of Lent is an invitation for a closer walk in our faith; a time to set aside for study, reflection and prayer. Opportunities for an adult study of the parables of Jesus on Sunday morning and 3 Wednesday evenings in Lent are available. A sign-up sheet is posted in the narthex, or E-Mail [...]
Concordia on Seeley – Palm Sunday Worship
Concordia Church on Seeley 3855 N. Seeley Ave., Chicago, IL, United StatesWe remember our Lord's triumphant entry into the city of Jerusalem with our own cries of "Hosanna." We hear the Gospel of His journey to the cross and begin our Holy Week of reflection in the love God has shown us in the sacrifice of Christ.
Location Color Key: Seeley Whipple