Our Christian youth church group is a place for teenagers and young adults, grades 6 through 12, to get involved. This youth group allows for the opportunity to actively engage in the Concordia community and grow spiritually in their relationship with God and their Christian faith. All are welcome including friends! The more the merrier!
Our Christian youth group activities are oriented around service, fellowship, and learning. Youth get to know each other through service projects that foster the value of helping others while engaging with youths in neighboring churches and communities. See below for some of the events our Concordia youth group engages in:
Annual Retreats. The youth group takes yearly retreats to Lutheran Outdoor Ministries Center in Oregon, IL and Lutherdale Camp in Elkhorn, WI. In addition to enjoying many fun Christian youth group games and various activities such as a zip lining, youth group members learn about Christian worship. Groups even plan a worship service, which they will lead back at Concordia Church on a future Sunday.
Serving the Homeless. Our Christian youth group practices spiritual formation through engagement in our community. Throughout the year, our youth group partners with The Night Ministry to prepare and serve meals to hundreds of homeless individuals in Humboldt Park.
Outdoor Adventures. From a trip to the corn maze at Richardson Adventure Farm in Fall, to a day trip to Starved Rock State Park in Spring, Concordia youth group is given the opportunity to participate in and enjoy all types of activities for fun and fellowship.