Gravity and Grace Adult Study
January 20, 2019 @ 9:00 am - 10:00 am
We’ll start a new book study discussion using Joseph Sittler’s “Gravity & Grace, Reflections & Provocations.” We will meet in the Fellowship Hall at Concordia Church on Seeley (3855 N. Seeley Ave.) at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings as of January 20th. Sittler addresses topics such as the relationship between nature & God’s grace, faith as both trust and risk, “Aging: A Summing Up and a Letting Go”. Discussion questions at the end of each section will provide launching points for our conversation. We have copies of the book in the library for anyone interested in participating in this 5-week course. Please connect with Pastor Zook at if you’d like to join this new book study or find the sign-up sheet in the back of the church. If you want this book digitally instead click HERE to view the book on Barnes & Noble for Nook.
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Location Color Key: Seeley Whipple