9:00am C.S. Lewis Adult Study
Adult Study—C.S. Lewis on the Challenge and Practice of Faith Every Sunday at 9:00 a.m. Adult Study on Sundays has been growing, and we want to offer more opportunities for people to participate. This Fall, we’re hoping to offer study groups at several different times and broaden the topics of study. A new Adult Study [...]
11:30 Fellowship
Join us downstairs in the Fellowship Hall for coffee, snacks, and fellowship with our church community.
11:30am Church Council Meeting
Church Council will meet upstairs in the gym.
10:30am Children’s Christmas Story
Join us at 10:30am worship at Concordia as the children present the Christmas story.
4:30pm Christmas Eve Concert
Join us for a Christmas Eve concert as we celebrate the birth of Christ with music.
5:00pm Christmas Eve Service
Spend part of your Christmas Eve night with the community at Concordia Church. Come rejoice in the birth of the Christ child through this time of peaceful worship.
10:00am Christmas Day Service
Celebrate Christmas Day at Concordia! Join us for this celebratory worship service!
Location Color Key: Seeley Whipple