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We’ve put together a library of family faith resources for you! Check back often as we add new material.

Faith Icon

Follow Faith.
Feel Connected.
Be Inspired.

Concordia Lutheran Church is more than just a Sunday morning church. Through sharing our faith with others, we are a community where people feel God’s love and grace in their lives.  

  • We walk with people wherever they are in their life and journey of faith.
  • We connect and engage people in our mission to serve the larger community.
  • We inspire community members to put faith into action.

Concordia Church Faith Education

Family Space

Fully participate in worship service in our Family Space! We offer several faith resources including pre-packaged crafts, coloring pages, and a lending library of children’s books.


The preparation to understand, own and affirm your faith in Jesus Christ that you were baptized into as a young child. This two-year course of study – with retreats, youth service projects, and community activities – is designed to encourage you to explore what it means to be a Christian and live by the values you first learned in Sunday School.

Sunday School Lessons

We support parents in facilitating their children’s faith education by offering Sunday School lessons to further their understanding of Christianity.  Our curriculum is age-appropriate and fun!

Adult Bible Studies

At Concordia Church, we understand the value of continuing your faith education throughout your life. We offer adult group bible studies to help you explore and understand aspects of your faith and share with others.

Explore Concordia

Concordia Ministries logo

Concordia Ministries: A family of ministries serving people and communities.

Concordia Church logo

Concordia Church: Love God. Love Your Neighbor.

Concordia Place logo

Concordia Place: Providing Growth and Opportunity to All our Neighbors.