“Do-It-Yourself” Instant Christmas Performance
December 17, 2017 @ 9:00 am - 11:00 am
This is a wonderful way for children to share in the experience of celebrating our Lord’s birth and engages them by acting out the parts of angels, shepherds, and wise men. Children will be given simple costumes, short lines, and movements to memorize. For parents of little ones (ages 0-3) we invite you to dress up as an angel with your child and sit in our reserved ‘angel choir’ section. No special skills required!
We invite you to attend the practice sessions, happening at Concordia Church on Seeley, during Sunday School on December 3rd or 10th. A final practice will be held in the Concordia Church on Seeley Sanctuary at 9:00 am on Sunday, December 17th. This will precede the performance (happening in lieu of the typical worship service) at 10:30 am. Sign up by connecting with Betsy Ries, Sunday School Superintendent, at betsyjack@att.net.
Concordia Church on Whipple will also have a DIY Instant Christmas Performance during worship on December 17th, at 10:00 am.
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Location Color Key: Seeley Whipple