Concordia on Whipple – Good Friday Worship
April 19, 2019 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Join us at Concordia Church on Whipple at noon on Good Friday (April 19th) for a time of reflection and prayer. We will hear excerpts from the Passion of our Lord according to the Gospel of St. John recounting the trial, suffering, and crucifixion of our Lord, and reflect on the saving act of God as we prepare to celebrate the resurrection of Christ. It should be noted, while the passion narratives of the gospels according to Matthew, Mark and Luke are appointed to be read on succeeding years on the Sunday of the Passion (Palm Sunday), John’s passion is appointed to be read only on Good Friday – it has no other appointed liturgical reading at any other time in the year. We will also offer special prayers of intercession on Good Friday – a practice which can be traced to the fifth century where the entire congregation is invited to extend prayers for all of humanity and all of creation (taken from ‘Worship Guidebook for Lent and Three Days’, Augsburg Fortress). Good Friday invites us to examine our hearts and minds and prepare ourselves for the celebration that is to come. Questions? Connect with Jen Philips at [email protected].
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Location Color Key: Seeley Whipple